
Find out more about the services we offer

Clinics and Services

Asthma/COPD Clinic

Patients with asthma and COPD are encouraged to attend for regular checks on treatment and symptoms, and advice on how to manage their condition. Consultations are available by appointment only. 

Blood Pressure Machine

We have a blood pressure machine in our waiting room to allow you to update your BP readings more easily. If you need help with this please ask reception. 

Cervical Smear Tests

We generally suggest that cervical smears are done every three years for women between the ages of 25 and 50 years and every 5 years for women between the ages of 50 and 65. If you think your appointment is overdue, please check with the practice.

When booking, please tell the receptionist you are coming for a smear. Any woman who has signed a declaration to be screened may contact the practice should she wish to reverse the decision.

Learn more about Cervical Smear Tests

Child Health Surveillance

Children from birth to five years are regularly examined to assess their growth and development, via our health visitor service.

Baby Vaccination Clinic is held weekly on a Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon by appointment only. We advise that all children should be completely immunised starting at 2 months.

See the NHS vaccinations and when to have them page for a vaccination schedule


NHS chiropody is available to patients with special medical needs. Referrals are made through the GP.


A full range of contraceptive services is provided by the doctors during surgery hours. We offer emergency contraception including the "morning after pill".

The surgery is able to offer coil and implant fitting/removal, as well as the injectable contraception and all forms of the contraceptive pill.  Implants can be fitted or removed in a normal surgery appointment, whilst coils are fitted in a monthly clinic on Friday afternoons.

Please speak to Dr Worden or one of the other GP's to see which form of contraception is best for you.  For coil and implant fitting, it is important that patients pick up a prescription and some important information from Reception at least a week before their appointment as the pharmacist will have to order the prescription and this can take a little time.  It is best not to bring babies or small children to the appointment.

See our sexual health page for support services


Our fully-trained counsellors hold diplomas in this discipline and can provide help for a range of personal or family problems, but you will first need to see your doctor for a referral.

See further support services for mental health conditions

Covid Vaccination

Get information about COVID-19 vaccination, who can get it, and safety and side effects

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccinations on the NHS website

Diabetes Clinic

Patients with diabetes are invited to attend for regular discussion and monitoring of their condition by the practice nurses. Consultations are available by appointment only. 

Flu Vaccination

Find information about the flu jab, including who should have it, why and when

Learn more about flu vaccinations on the NHS website


All the doctors provide maternity services and will see their patients at any time through the pregnancy if required. In addition, the midwife's also hold a weekly antenatal clinic here at the surgery.

See more maternity services and support

Minor Surgery

Certain minor surgical procedures can be performed by the doctors on the premises. This may be more convenient for you and may save considerable time waiting for hospital treatment.

Pathological Specimen Transport

There is a daily transport of pathological specimens to the hospital laboratories. When specimens are requested by the clinicians please ensure we receive them by 12:30pm to link with specimen transport.


If you suffer from painful muscles, joints, back pain, shoulder pain etc, you may not need to see a GP.

The surgery can help you access MSK services within the Christchurch Primary Care Network. See our physiotherapy support page for further details

Treatment Room

We offer the benefits of a well equipped treatment room, where the practice nurses undertake duties such as vaccinations, dressings and removal of stitches. Appointments for the treatment room can be made by contacting our reception team.

More About Our Services